Monday, September 22, 2008


No one likes being judged. At least, I don't know anyone who does. Often, those who like it the least are those who judge the hardest and most frequently; their judgements and first impressions stick and they don't give anyone the chance to reverse those impressions. I try not to judge people, especially in serious mannors, and I usually give people every chance I can to let them show me who they really are.
I think that I hate judgements so much because they force me to face the truth: maybe I really am immature, or have an attitude, or am not yet qualified for that job I really want. Some people say that we are our own toughest critics, but I think that sometimes we shut down that voice because we can't take the strain. And when we're finally forced to look at ourselves and consider the judgements that others pass on us, we find it very difficult to take the blame for our own actions, and immediately try to pawn our decisions or reactions on the other parties involved.

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